Friday, May 22, 2009

A film for people who have never heard of the Kinsey scale

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Apparently, no one in the world in which this film takes place, has heard of the Kinsey Scale. Seriously, if your friends are constantly asking if you are gay, you need better friends.

This movie is a fail.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Does it Count as Cheating?

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Funbox gets asked a lot of questions about romance and relationships and with todays new world full of cyber-internet, open marriages, and new ideas about gender, it's sometimes hard to know what "counts as cheating." That's why we've decided to post a guide to help you through the gray areas.

Pornography: NOT CHEATING
Most men (whether gay or straight) look at pornography, and nowadays most women understand that, however if your partner mentions how they hate pornography (i.e. "It promotes violence against women!"), it's important to nod in agreement and talk about how you "just never got into it, I guess."

Reading Erotica: CHEATING
'Cause it's more about feelings.

Noticing other Men/Women: NOT CHEATING
No one expects their partner to "go blind" after a serious relationship starts. But it's important that when your partner notices you noticing, that you say something disparaging about the person you were just admiring i.e. "Her eyes are fat."

Handshakes: SEE CHART
It's surprising how many questions we get regarding whether it's ok to shake someone else's hand when you are in a serious relationship. Use this handy chart for reference.
  • If they are taller than you or are menstruating (ask beforehand): CHEATING
  • If they are shorter than you: NOT CHEATING
  • If they are same height/Bisexual: HUG INSTEAD

Cyberdating/Cybersex: NOT CHEATING
It's ok to have 1 cyber-relationship in addition to your regular relationship. Unless you met your current partner on line, in which case you may only have sex with 1 other person who you have met in a non-Internet setting.

Tickle Fights: NOT CHEATING
Totally acceptable as long as the other person is going "HA HA HA! STOP! I'm gonna pee!" and not "Mmmm. Oh. (blushing furiously) *gasp!* Oh god, I'm gonna pee!"

Poker Night with the Guys: CHEATING
Or it might as well be for all the trouble I get in to for it!

All families do this.

Being Friends with the Opposite Sex: CHEATING
"Just friends?! Yeah right!" (Gays exempt).

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gay or a Pirate?

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Has this happened to you? You are standing at a bar minding your own business, and a gentleman comes up and starts talking to you. Before you know it, he offers to have you escort him outside! You have only seconds to decided if he is Gay and wants to make love inside you, or if he is a Pirate and wants to sell you into White Slavery. Here is a handy checklist to help you decide. Your life may depend on it.

1. Is he wearing a bandanna or a handkerchief?
2. Does he walk with a cocksure strut?
3. Has swabbing poop decks been mentioned?
4. Is he wearing colorful leggings?
5. Does he taste salty?
6. Is he adorned with jewels and rings?
7. Has he talked about run ins with the navy?
8. Is he wearing a shirt under his leather vest.
9. If he is wearing a shirt, is it covered in ruffles?
10. Can he last for months at a time without the company of women?

Answers these questions, and you should know what to do.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

FunBox taps its foot for Senator Craig.

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FunBox is proud to stand with Senator Craig under this barrage of homoerotic accusations. For those of us who know Senator Larry Craig, this is not an issue of sexuality, but rather a condemnation of his use of an extra wide stance in the bathroom. We are confident that his foot was not in the adjacent stall as way to solicit man on man toilet sex, but rather to gain the extra leverage he needed to expel his Bms. If you've ever seen Larry in the Senate commissary, you'll know he doesn't eat enough roughage. It's all beef for Larry. He just gobbles down the sausages. He's even got a nickname. Everyone in the Senate calls him 'The Sausage Gobbler.' Or at least the pages do. Probably cause of an inside joke or something….

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