All of the following are real conversations faithfully transcribed.
Please to enjoy:
Guy with a Fauxhawk: Next time though, I really want to make it more shocking.
Girl with a lot of tattoos: Well we could always do "Stomach."
Guy with an ironic shirt: What's 'Stomach?'
Guy with a Fauxhawk: That's the one where we use that cement tubing, paint it pink, drill holes in it and lead everyone into a central chamber. And wait until someone realizes that it's a model of a human stomach. As soon as someone says the word 'stomach' we spray water through the holes at them.
Girl with a lot of tattoos: With acid.
Guy with a Fauxhawk: Yeah there's a lot of acid in the water.
Guy with an ironic shirt: And then what happens?
Guy with a Fauxhawk: We go to jail probably.
Girl with a lot of tattoos: It's part of the piece.
Guy with an ionic shirt: I love it.
You've never heard of The Cremaster Cycle?
Boyfriend: This one reminds me of The Cremaster Cycle.
Way cute Girlfriend: Hmm?
Other Girl: I know right? Its like, 'Ok, we get it, you like Matthew Barney.'
Boyfriend: Ha ha. I saw a huge exhibit on that at the Guggenheim actually. It was pretty great. I didn't know it was about testicles though, until I'd been there for about an hour and a half.
Other Girl: Ha ha! It's all about balls dude!
Way cute Girlfriend: What are you guys talking about?
Other Girl: Did you know he's like practically married to Bjork?
Boyfriend: I thought they just lived together.
Other girl: They have a kid I think.
Way cute Girlfriend: Wait, go back, what is this?
Boyfriend: I'm breaking up with you.
An 'A' For Effort
Probably a Teacher: It's too bad we weren't able to get it to spin.
Female Student: I'm surprised how many people were upset by it. It's totally tongue in cheek.
Probably a Teacher: Controversy is good. Controversy sells.
Female student: I guess…Have you ever seen Deepthroat?
Probably a Teacher: You don't want to call something 'beauty, that's a 4 letter word around here- The Watergate thing or the porno?
Female student: Either.
Labels: Asshole, being a star, girlfriends, young people