Holiday Traditions
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Now that I am out in the world and living on my own, I finally have a chance to create a holiday tradition of my own. Sure I have plenty of holiday traditions already: opening stockings on Christmas Eve, everyone going around in a circle one at a time opening gifts, seeing a crappy action film in the theaters on Christmas Day. They are all great, but they were all handed down to me. It is time to start a new one!
I sat down with a pad to start brainstorming, but it just seemed like to much pressure. In the end I decided to resort to what I always do, a top hat full of holiday words. Three random words were drawn and my new holiday tradition created... kinda. I need help deciding what order the words go in. The words chosen were: Stockings Turkey Carols
1. Carols Turkey Stockings: We make up a story about Aunt Carol's famous turkey stockings which are little puff pastries shape like socks filled with Turkey.
2. Turkey Carols Stockings: Everyone has to make up a Carol about John the Christmas Turkey and who ever makes the best one gets a pair of victory stockings (probably everyone would get a pair to be nice on the holidays).
3. Stocking Turkey Carols: When carolers come a calling, we give them a choice of picking the reward stuffed inside the turkey or stuffed inside the stocking.
So which one do I pick?