Monday, June 22, 2009


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Doctors were astounded this month as high school student Jessica Terry diagnosed her own case Crohn's Disease while studying slides in her high school science class....

...Unfortunately her HMO doesn't cover high schools so now she owes Ms. Welch $48,000 out of pocket.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Awesome Kids Jokes I've Been Writing

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Lately, I've been writing a lot of awesome kids jokes. Is it because someday I want to write an awesome joke book for kids, or is it because I want to annoy my girlfriend by constantly badgering her with pun-oriented punchlines. The answer is both! Here are some of her "favorites".

Q: What do German air marshals eat for breakfast?

Q: How can you tell where a pirate's stashed chickens?
A: EGGS marks the spot!

Q: Why do air condition and cooling salesmen feels so popular?
A: They have many FANS!

Q: Where do mollusks resolve their legal disputes?
A: Small CLAMS court!

In the comments, try writing a kids joke of your own, or talk about the jokes you tell that annoy your loved ones!

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