FunBox Restaurant Review
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This week’s Restaurant Review takes us on a journey underwater. That’s right, submarines. Submarine sandwiches that is!
Subway – Never before has six inches tasted so good and been so fun! Enjoy the down-home flavors of the more traditional Cold Cut combo, or if you are feeling wild try the Italian B.M.T. “That’s a spicy sub!” And now that they’ve added toasting to the sandwich artist’s repertoire their menu has literally doubled! Subway is also a great place for first date because arguing which toppings are best is an instant recipe for fun, just stay away from those onions! 4 BoxesQuizno's Subs – Those Quizno's Subs, they taste so good to me. I had to double check if this was a restaurant or an amusement park, because boy was it a thrill to watch my sandwich go onto the moving rack a cold boring meal and emerge on the other side a toasted wonderland. An insider tip for big savings is ordering both a drink and a side of potato chips with your sub creating what is known as a “Combo” and what I like to call extra money in the bank! 4 Boxes
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