


Dinner Party Conversation Starters

"Eat up everyone, there's still a lot more evidence to destroy!"

"Save your forks. Afterwards we're gonna have a fork fight."

"So Susan, I understand you were lured here under false pretenses?"

"Allow me to regale you with an anecdote from my recent divorce."

"Isn't this fun? Having dinner together like adults!"

"Legally I'm required to inform you all that the "orgy-part" of this orgy is completely optional."

"The Cherry pie is made from completely inorganic materials, so you can eat as much as you want and not get fat! ...As long as you have an enema afterwards."

"Thank you for coming into our home so as to break the monotony of our domestic loathing and neglect."

"It's so nice to have a dinner with just us girls- let's talk about how unhappy we all are with our bodies!"

"Scream now if you don't want to know that you just ate spiders!"

"Could anyone go for a mojito?" (Party music starts)

"Ah, Mr. Bond I presume? I must remember to train the next batch of guards more thoroughly. Would you care for an Aperitif?".

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