


Did you Know?

- Did you know that the first forms of life on earth were probably similar to bacteria and not Dinosaurs as is commonly thought?

- Did you know that the alien invaders were defeated by bacteria and that's why we're not speaking Martian right now?

- Did you know that some forms of bacteria have evolved antibiotic resistance and this largely contributes to the amount of CIPRO I have stockpiled in my closet?

- Did you know that there are bacteria in soil?

- Did you know that bacteria can have whip like structures (Flagella) attached to their membranes that aid in movement, as well as S&M play?

- Did you know that bacteria can have small loops of DNA called plasmids that they can share freely with one another, like the promiscuous little tramps they are?

- Did you know that no matter what you do, or where you go, you will always be covered in a thin film of bacteria unless you somehow sterilize yourself?

- Did you know that while some kinds of bacteria can make you sick, others are just gross looking?

- Did you know that we use bacteria to make Cheese?

- Did you know I don't eat Cheese anymore?

Box of Knowledge Archive: